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CJ Legal

CJ Legal also offers Phone Appointments.

About CJ Legal

Clare Jobson, Principal Solicitor of CJ Legal is a Lawyer and Collaborative professional, having completed both the Independent Childrens Lawyer and Parenting Coordinator specialised training.

In combination with her 24+ years of nursing and other experience brings a unique perspective to her practice.As a Defence spouse, Clare has a special interest in assisting Defence families with all the unique associated challenges that military life brings. Clare’s legal career includes employment with the Department of Justice in the Northern Territory; and for Public Trustee in South Australian; in Private Practice; and in the Community Legal Sector.A passion for social justice means Clare has worked as a volunteer solicitor for various Community Legal Services, in every state she has lived in. Clare is currently a volunteer solicitor at Women’s Legal Service in QLD.

Clare has appeared on the Happy Lawyer Happy Life (episode 121) and the Military Wife Military Life (episode 49) Podcasts and in Lawyers Weekly publications from 2018 to date.

Clare joined Balance family Law based in Canberra as a consultant in June 2020.Clare’s superpower is empathy, she is passionate about ensuring her client’s have all the information that they need to make informed choices about their future and the future of their families. Clare’s specialty is assisting you to overcome your unique obstacles and to assist you to implement child focussed outcomes.
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