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Courtney Colwell

Courtney Colwell is a Lawyer and Principal Solicitor with Lovett & Green Solicitors in Warren, NSW 2824. Courtney Colwell has 11 years experience and focuses on Property Law, Business Law and Wills, Estate Planning & Probate.

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About Courtney Colwell

Lovett & Green is a boutique agrilaw firm assisting farmers and agribusiness owners throughout NSW with rural land and water conveyancing, succession and estate planning and agribusiness.
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Languages Spoken
Year First Admitted
2013 (11 years experience)

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Professional Verification

LawTap has independently verified Courtney Colwell and confirmed:

Legal Professional Status
Solicitor (Employee Supervised)
Admission/Licence Date
3 July 2015
Last Verified
23 May 2017