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Sarah Clowes

Sarah Clowes is a Lawyer with Clowes & Co Solicitors in Stoke-on-trent, Staffordshire ST2 7HA. Sarah Clowes has 19 years experience.

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About Sarah Clowes

Sarah has over 15 years’ experience in acting for private clients in connection with all aspects of Will writing, estate and inheritance tax planning, powers of attorney, estate administration, trusts and Court of Protection matters. Sarah has a special interest in dealing with complex estates and acting for vulnerable clients. Sarah has been a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners since 2011.

Sarah set up Clowes & Co. Solicitors in 2018 with a goal to provide accessible and approachable legal services for the local community. Sarah advises a wide range of clients from all walks of life including people with small estates, business owners and high net worth individuals, ensuring their personal affairs are in order. Sarah advises on estate and IHT planning, lifetime trusts and also incorporating trusts within wills. Sarah works closely with other professional advisors who are connected to her clients and is always happy to meet clients in their homes. Sarah has a special interest in advising on trusts and asset protection, including trust set up, trust administration and acting as a professional trustee, both during lifetime and after someone has died.

In addition to lifetime planning, Sarah has over 15 years’ experience in administering estates when someone has died and can provide expert advice to executors or, take on the role of a professional executor. Sarah looks at all aspects of an estate including a full review to see if IHT can be avoided, or reduced, through the use of deeds of variation.

Qualified 2005

Associate Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners


Sarah is a mum to two children and when not working loves to play the piano and spend time outdoors with her children and her legendary bulldog Percy (who is also a permanent fixture in our office and undoubtedly the most popular member of our team!).
Languages Spoken
Year First Admitted
2005 (19 years experience)

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